Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bow Pillow Project

I saw a link for this on Pinterest (Click here to see the original) - I wasn't lying when I said I was addicted - and decided it would be a great  beginning sewing project for my 5yo.  It's going to go on the bench on my back porch.  I think/hope.  I had everything on hand except the pillow form.  There were no directions for the original, but I have a background in sewing and decided to knock it off.  It was a fun project to do with my daughter on a rainy afternoon.

Materials list:
  • 3/4 yard of burlap
  • 1/2 yard of fabric for lining (I used unbleached muslin)
  • thread to match burlap
  • 14"x14" pillow form
  • 12" zipper (optional) or hand sewing needle
  • basic sewing supplies
    • scissors or rotary cutter, mat and ruler
    • pins
    • sewing machine
Getting started:
Cut out your fabric using the guidlines below:

Sewing instructions:
  1. Start with the 16"x8" pieces of burlap and turn each of the 16" long edges under 1/4" and using a wide zigzag stitch sew in place catching the raw edge in the stitching.
  2. Next take the 8"x4" pieces and turn the 8" edge under 1/4" and using a wide zigzag stitch sew in place catching the raw edge in the stitching.
  3. Fold each of the 8"x4" pieces in half across the narrow side (you should have a square) and line up the 4" raw edges. 
  4. Sew sew together to create a loop stitching 1/2" from the edge.
  5. Use a wide zigzag stitch to finish raw edges. 
  6. Turn loops right side out and set aside.  
  7. Pin one piece of muslin to the back of each of the 15"x15" pieces of burlap.  
  8. Using a very wide zigzag stitch, sew around one of the burlap/muslin pieces to finish the edges and prevent unraveling.  Set piece aside - this will be the pillow back.
  9. With the remaining piece of burlap/muslin (pinned together) center the 8" side of one of the 16"x8" pieces along one edge and pin in place.
  10. Take the other 16"x8" piece and lay across the first one, centering it along the adjacent side.                                                                                                  
  11. Zigzag along raw edges of pinned sides only.  
  12. Slide one "loop" over each of the 16"x8" pieces.  Note: the bottom one will not show, but if the edges peek out and you don't like it, fold one end of the loop inside about an inch.    
  13. Pin each of the 16"x8" pieces to the 15"x15" on the opposite side. 
  14. Zigzag along the raw two remaining raw edges.  This is the pillow front.
  15. Place the pillow back and pillow front right sides together (burlap touching) and pin around all sides.  
  16. On one side pin 2-1/2" from each edge and leave the center unpinned. 
  17. Stitch (as shown above with blue line) around the pillow 1/2" from the edge, stitching to the edge of the fabric at the beginning and the end. 
  18. Turn pillow right side out.
  19. Insert pillow form.
  20. Sew opening closed by hand.   
Note: If you are an experienced sewer and would like to put in a zipper, before pinning front and backs together, insert zipper into bottom seam, then sew remaining side seams.  

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